連恩艾肯 (Liam Aiken) 有誰知道他的個人資料?
2005-02-12 01:23:25 UTC
他的網站 (中文版) ....
顆顆, 謝謝
三 答案:
2005-02-12 10:38:18 UTC
~Liam Aiken~


全名:Liam Padraic Aiken 生日: 1990/01/07星座: 魔羯座出生地: 美國紐約市身高: 5' 6" (1.68 m)喜歡的音樂類型:龐克電視/電影作品~~~<亨利你這個大笨蛋> Henry Fool (1997)Montana (1998)<欲擒故縱> The Object of My Affection (1998)\<親親小媽> Stepmom (1998)<夢遊非洲> I Dreamed of Africa (2000)<甜蜜的十一月> Sweet November (2001) The Rising Place (2001)<非法正義> Road to Perdition (2002)Good Boy!(2003) <波特萊爾的冒險> Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)相關網站第一位回答者已提供,所以你可以連結進去看看~~~^_^~~~不過我再提供英文的給你,因為我只知道英文的,你就參考看看囉 !!!http://www.rottentomatoes.com/p/liam_aiken/http://geocities.com/Liam_Aiken_Site/
2005-02-12 01:29:30 UTC
Full Name: Liam Padraic Aiken

Nick Name: Liam

Birthday: January 7, 1990

Siblings: No

Star Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse, you are cheerful, popular, and smart with money, but you may be too talkative and showy. You are wise and talented, and good with your hands. Crowds, fun, and action, attract you, and you like the opposite sex.

Born: New York City, New York

Hair: Black/Brown

Eyes: Grey - Green

Height: About 5’9

Pets: 1 Dog

Color: Orange

Sports: Skateboarding

Food: Not Puttenesca

School: Independent school in New Jersey

Music Interest: Rage Against the Machine

Instrument: Guitar

Movie: The Sting, The Italian Job

Hobbies: Skateboarding, Acting

Actor: “I like to have my own style”
2005-02-12 01:25:49 UTC
*全名:連恩˙派卓克˙艾肯(Liam Padraic Aiken )







*最喜歡的書是波特萊爾的冒險第十集The Slippery Slope.






*演戲的第一個工作是在一個福特 Windstar 商業廣告中主演。



*他的父親,比爾艾肯,是 MTV 和門票一律五分的劇場電視計畫人員,當 Liam 是2歲半時死於癌症。

*和他的好朋友麥爾斯參加了第 76 屆奧斯卡金像獎(麥爾斯是提姆羅賓的兒子)



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